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Racing to save the planet - Inzane Laverda Video!
Inzane Laverda Video! 

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More photographs from Snetterton 
Terry Howe kindly supplied us with a small selection of photographs that he took of the team at Snetterton

The full gallery can be seen here

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Biofuel Bike Scores First Podiums. 
Russell Joyner riding for Team Inzane Laverda, took his biofuel powered Laverda 650 Formula to three third places at the Mallory Park round of the UK national MiniTwins Championship over the Bank Holiday weekend.

The bike, which has only raced once before since its conversion to the renewable alcohol fuel ran faultlessly and Russell qualified on the front row before putting in some very competitive race performances.

Download the full report here

Click here to view the full gallery

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Laverda Corse meets Inzane Laverda 
Giovanni Laverda with the Inzane 650 Formula

The Legendary Laverda V6 meets the Inzane bike

A gratuitous shot of the awesome V6

Inzane bike takes its place in a pedigree line up

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Festival of 1000 bikes, Mallory Park photos 

Click here to view Ben's photos

Click here to view other photos

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